Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm so angry right now. I can't even blog. I have no funny stories, no funny comments. I'm just pissed. and boy oh boy is my body sore from getting fucked in the ass by my job. I know that I should be thankful I have a job. And I am. I'm thankful I have a job but at the same time I wish this place would burn to the ground. After everyone is safely home for the day, well maybe everyone but a few choice management players. She can go down with the ship. Although I'm pretty sure she's unlikable. the worst always are. So needless to say this was not a good day. I'm always looking for a new job, but now I really want a new job. At least up until today the goods still out weighted the bad, but not by much. Not anymore. I don't care if my next job never does any fun stuff. I don't care i i can't wear a pacman suit to work and decorate for Christmas. I don't care. I can't see myself staying here much longer. Ever vision i have of me here much longer involves makeshift alarm clock bombs, pepper spray and the words "You'll never take me a live". I guess Johnny paycheck had it right, "Take this job and shove, I ain't working here no more!"

Look I know I'm lucky to have a job in this economy. Trust me that I understand. the fact that the circus monkeys who own this company haven't run it into the ground or squandered all the profits on bananas and tiny cymbals is beyond me. I swear to (fill in religious icon here). I really think it isn't the dawn of cyber news and the Internet that's killing the newspaper industry, it's Media News Group (our parent company) and all the other companies who see this as a money making business. Ok. yeah that's the point of business. I get it. But maybe the CEO's don't have to be super RICH! maybe they don't need to own everything in sight. Hello MONOPOLY! Maybe if they thought about something other then the dollars in their SWISS bank accounts their company would be just fine. Our parent company owns a plethora of newspapers on the east coast, and sporadic other states and are laying people off left and right and bringing all the work here. All the work from other STATES here. Look I work for the York Newspaper Company but every year my taxes are filed through some other company they own. My taxes said i worked for Texas New Mexico Publishing last year....humm no I did not. does this sound legal??

So needless to say I'm hoping for a different job in the future. If i can last another year here I'll be surprised.

Sorry I just really needed to vent. And venting sounded better/safer then flipping out on my boss today. I did tell my boss that I think what she's asking of me is ridicules and not going t o happen. Her responses was if i can't do it in the hours I'm working now I'll have to change my hours on Monday so I'm here later. WHAT! Oh so instead of working till 8:30 p.m. you'll let me start later so i can stay till 9:30 p.m. without paying me overtime. GEE THANKS! So because You trained monkey's thought up this brilliant idea, when you have absolutely NO IDEA what it entails, I get to work later? LUCKY FUCKING ME!


Diane said...

Yikes! That is not lovely. Sorry things are such crap... hopefully they'll improve enough so you can manage 'til you find something new. Fingers crossed. In the meantime, though... breathe. Just breathe...

Amy McMean said...

yeah I'm breathing. Thanks :)

La Pixie said...

yikes!! vent, Baby! vent all you need to...