Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I call it work

So here is a break down of my day.

~did SOME work. Trust me "some" is a bit of an exaggeration.
~read every ones blogs and left love.
~went to the bathroom.
~I clean out my desk drawers. they were so over stuffed.
~called my friends in the back.
~talked to my co-workers.
~bought some chips
~cleaned the cubby space beside my desk. and threw out a ton of old newspapers.
~clean up my computer.
~annoyed Moma Bear
~deleted a ton of old photos, pages, proofs, tons of stuff.
~potty break
~tossed my stress ball around
~deleted my history and cookies (?).

i still have a bunch of stuff to get rid of that needs to go through the shredder. OH BOY!

Yeah. they paid me for this. not much. but money none the less

1 comment:

Diane said...

Sounds like my day... except for the work part... and I'm sure I took more bathroom breaks.