Sunday, December 21, 2008

Super Speical me Sunday

Taylor and I last Christmas at her parents house! Can't wait for you to come home. Side note- Why do most of the pictures i have of us show us holding beer?

Oh I hope this week hurries by! Come on week hurry up. I know it's only Sunday but this a big week.
Monday- season finale of the Hills! Come on that's a bug deal Heidi and Lauren talk?
Tuesday-Early shift for me and Taylor flies home that night! I start my vacation
Wednesday-Christmas Eve, I'm off and my best friend will finally be home! I haven't seen her since April so I'm super excited to see her. I'll spend a portion of the night at her house with her family doing the normal Christmas eve stuff.
Thursday-Christmas. Gifts for me! how nice.
Friday- not sure
Saturday- Hopefully dinner with Julie, Pam and Taylor and hanging out Girls night style.
Sunday-Back to work :( and Taylor leaves :(
So see it's a big week.
I'm not sure how many of you read , but if you don't you should check him out. Darcie from over at introduced his blog to me, and he cracks me up. Well he posts pictures of his crazy neighbor ladies yard. She decorates for every reason you can think of, and some I'm almost positive only make sense in her head. Makes you stop and wonder what is going on inside that head. Well I decided to post a few pictures from Vegas. No not Las Vegas, had I meant Las Vegas I'm sure I would have typed Las Vegas. I'm posting pictures from Vegas here in little old York County, PA. Also know as the Potter home. Please note this aren't the best pictures and I'll try and get some daytime pictures so you can really see the wonder that is our Vegas. I would also like to mention that this house is located in the Greens by Honey Run, which is a price area. Enjoy.

If it's inflatable, lights up, moves, or is remotely Christmas in theme. They have it. and it's on display. It's insane! Wow Check out their carbon footprint. Jerks. I blame them for global warming, high gas prices, electric shortage, and Obama.

Side note- GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!


Sam_I_am said...

yay for friends! Merry Christmas!

Amy McMean said...


Kitty said...

hahahaha... you said carbon footprint!!! like you care you suv driving long shower taking bush voting conservative!!! lol, that's why I love you!!!