Monday, November 24, 2008

Mama Kat's giveaway

Mama Kat is helping with a giveaway, and if there's one thing i like more than cake it's giveaways! The earrings for the giveaway are really nice. I don't know if I would have anywhere nice enough to wear them but they are very nice. Head over to Mama Kat's to get the 411
or go to Jessica's site at and look at the beautiful jewelry she has to offer. It is after all the season for giving. So feel free to give me lots of stuff. (wink wink)

Smile it's MONDAY!

1 comment:

KatBouska said...

Thanks for plugging Jessica on your blog! I hope lots of people make it over and see the great jewelry she has. SO pretty. :)

Good luck mamacita!