Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pet my peeve

Want to play stop over at Mama Loco and see what pisses everyone else off.

As for me~
  • The people at Subway. I don't get anything on my sub but meat, cheese mayo and pickles. So when i say "and a bunch of pickles" don't try ot charge me for extra Veggies. It's all I'm getting on my damn sub. That's it!
  • squeaky shoes. I just got new shoes and they make that annoying squeaking noise on the floor here at work.
  • speaking of shoes one is tighter then the other. I dislike that, it always happens you try them on and they are great and then BAMN! one feels different when you wear them again.
  • When a customer callas and says they have a question and i ask ok what can i help you with and they say one word answers like "obits"....uhm ok, what about them? I'm not a mind reader!


Sam_I_am said...

I'd totally spaz on the Subway peeps. Made fresh to order the way I want it. Don't make me go to Sheetz!

Carebear said...

LOL on the squeaky shoes that fit different! Drives me CRAZY! Oh, and stupid Subway and stupid customers. That's the best part about being a SAHM - you don't have to deal with people. But you do have to deal with toddlers, so I guess it's a wash....

The Rambler said...

Stopping by fellow peever. (that sounded odd, didn't it? :)

Anywho, LOVE your list.

Especially the shoe thing. I'm like I tried you on when you were both swollen from the day and it was fine. And now, mystery elephant foot appears when it's an hour into my work shift.

Love your blog!

Joanie said...

ha ha ha...shoe thing or anything that makes noise irritate me too. I was walking my dog yesterday and i keep hearing his tags clanging (he has 3 of them, license, rabies and microchip tags) ugh, i taped them together to stop it.

Rachel said...

they charge you for extra? dude. what does a pickle cost them? like .5 cents i think. the bastards.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ the sub post....Im an lettuce fan and thats it, not even any dressing and they try to charge me, too!

Amy McMean said...

I cna only assume the subway charges are so they can keep paying that guy to say "eat subway and lose weight"

Melissa said...

WHAT? They wanted to charge you extra? Scumbags!

Thanks for playing. Let's do it again next week!?!?