The everyday ridicules happenings of my meager and uneventful life as seen through my twisted and rambling mind
Monday, March 30, 2009
A.C. (even)MOORE!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Oh hail
the white stuff in the corner of the parking lot. HAIL
Funnest thing i saw today was the hail pouring out of the drain spout. That's all HAIL.
I sure hope my plastic Saturn is ok.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
disappointment continues
Preggers, Jules and I went to dinner last night for Preggers birthday. She's the big 25. The last birthday without a kid for the rest of her life. Seems so strange to say it like that. 10 more weeks until baby preggers comes kicking and screaming into this mixed up world. Preggers is slightly concerned. If by slightly I mean VERY. She'll be ok. I can only assume it's the "first time parent angst".
I let my nephew win at connect four today. He called me out on it. WOW. My defense was that I'm a seasoned connect four player and he isn't. It would be like MJ dunking on some kindergartners. Just not fair. But he asked me to not let him win. So I tried to explain the concept so he would look at the whole picture and not the imitate move. But let's be honest I could have dominated that connect four game. let's be honest. candy from a baby.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Amy needs......................
I'm stealing this from a few different people. This is what you get instead of a emotional and thought provoking post today. Not that I'm usually emotional and thought provoking. But If i posted a real blog about how I was feeling right now it would be littered with F bombs and not such pleasant things. so instead i FINALLY did the "Amy needs" in google search. That google, they know every thing!
- Amy needs some help drinking apparently. this job is helping very much so
- Amy needs......a LOT. true da
- Amy needs help. right now, yes that would be fantastic as I'm the only person at work.
- Amy needs to let Ben go! I did 4 years ago. Weird. My ex was Ben. I clicked this is was not referring to ME! Thank goodness.
- Amy needs her prince. That would be handsome
- Amy needs a break. A pee break for starters
- Amy needs employment-Babysitter for hire! I wouldn't hire me
- Amy needs a cocktail before facing police. ??? Good idea? I don't see why not. I've always wanted to be on cops.
- Amy needs a dentist picture. I beg to differ Google.
- Amy needs a wash. I showered a few hours ago thank you
- Amy needs rehab. Not yet.
- Amy needs prayer. Because she's LIVIN on a prayer.
- Amy needs to know. What? Oh gosh is it bad? good? I need to know.
- Amy needs your support. Amy is awfully NEEDY
- Amy needs to be fired. So true
- Amy needs a seat. I have a seat thank you.
Now for what Amy likes
- Amy likes pictures. Who doesn't
- Amy likes tweezerman tweezers. Uhm, Amy hates tweezers period.
- Sometimes Amy likes to pretend she's a rock star. Hells Yeah MAN!
- Amy likes to Scrapjazz. That doesn't sound fun
- Amy likes seals. Not so much
- Amy likes to play with feet but it's funny. No she does not and no it is not
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I Love you man
- First we went to Tj Max and Ross's where Preggers picked up some cheap preggers clothes for the spring and pending warm weather. Oh and a cute Ralph Lauren bag to use for a diaper bag. Stylish and for only $30.
- Next stop Rita's Italian Ice, it was after all free ice day! Love the first day of spring. Unfortunately as is the curse of Preggers by the time we made it to the front of the line they were all out of Mint chocolate chip, which was what she REALLY wanted. She settled for Orange cream and i noshed on some Coconut cream. YUMMY. Coconut reminds me of summer and sun tan lotion.
- Our next stop was Old Navy to stock up on flip flops, since the demise of my favorite pair :( and more preggo clothes for Preggers.
- To round out our exciting first day of spring we went to the movies where i shelled out $9.50 to get it and $8 for a small soda and a box or Resses Pieces. Ridicules! We saw, I Love You Man, which was really funny. I wasn't to sure since I don't really like that one guy. the one who played the whiny cry baby in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. The whole time i was watching FSM i kept going, Ahh Christ Man MAN UP ALREADY! But he cracked me in this movie. I liked me.
So there's my Friday in a nutshell. I ended the evening by Watching Friday Night Lights! I heart FNL. I know i promised picture of the apron, but I forgot my photo card yesterday so I couldn't upload them. I will try harder this week. SORRY. I also have pictures of the M&M's i ordered with Preggers photo on them and my food from AFM. My frezzer is running over! I love it!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Fascinated/'s a thin line
5.) What are you currently fascinated with?
Ahh thank you for asking funny prompt man. What am i fascinated with....hum.... currently I'm fascinated with The Biggest Loser. I've watched ever season of The Biggest Loser. I'm talking about back in the day when they started and had those little mini-biggest loser shows with families and what not. Yeah. That long. Well after last season and that evil VICKI lady I thought I might never watch it again. It was more about game play and winning then losing weight. A bit discouraging. But i figured I'd give TBL one more shot. I'm thrilled i did. After watching Tuesday's episode, and crying my eyes out, I'm relieved to see how great the people really are this season. They aren't stabbing each other in the back, they aren't voting strictly on alliances they have. They are some real stand up people. I think this is also the first time in a long time that everyone truly gets along. You don't see flare ups between teams, you don't see yelling matches, and name calling. It's so refreshing. I wish them all luck.
And p.s. How freaking great of a kid is Mike. come on. His parents should be over the moon proud. When he won the free groceries for a year he opted to give it to Aubrey who has 6 kids at home. Because that was the right thing to do. WOW. REFRESHING.
Sidenote- Look what I found at the grocery store. I'm sorry but popcorn in pudding flavor. not cool. They had a blue one, it looked like that clay you played with in elementary art class. GROSS!. Natural and Artificially flavored. YUMMY
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pet my peeve
Want to play stop over at Mama Loco and see what pisses everyone else off.
As for me~
- The people at Subway. I don't get anything on my sub but meat, cheese mayo and pickles. So when i say "and a bunch of pickles" don't try ot charge me for extra Veggies. It's all I'm getting on my damn sub. That's it!
- squeaky shoes. I just got new shoes and they make that annoying squeaking noise on the floor here at work.
- speaking of shoes one is tighter then the other. I dislike that, it always happens you try them on and they are great and then BAMN! one feels different when you wear them again.
- When a customer callas and says they have a question and i ask ok what can i help you with and they say one word answers like "obits"....uhm ok, what about them? I'm not a mind reader!
Spill over
1. Soup in Hand. I've talked about this before. The idea of drinking soup that contains solid objects throws me off. Sorta like the netty pot did. You're taught from a VERY young age (in the case of the netty pot) not to breath in when you are under water. Much the same is true with soup in hand. you aren't "supposed" to drink things from a cup that have chunky things in them. none the less I do. Today was tomato soup day from a can. Mainly because it required no thought on my part while getting ready today at 6 a.m.
It was tasty and i drank it from a straw. I'm clumsy and after taking one swig i had a spot on my sleeve so I opted for a straw to enjoy the rest.
2. Happy St. Patrick's Day. I pulled on my St. Patty's Day shirt today before i realized maybe it wasn't "work appropriate". I chuckled and decided i didn't really care. It's one day. So off to work i went to greet the public in this.Nothing screams work appropriate like a classified ad on your shirt. At least it does not say Kiss my ass, I rock!
Monday, March 16, 2009
A play on words
Here are the winners of this year's Washington Post's Mensa Invitational which once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition:
1. Cashtration (n): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time.
2. Ignoranus: A person who is both stupid and an asshole.
3. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.
4. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.
5. Bozone (n): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
6. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.
7. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.
8. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.
9. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.
10. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)
11. Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.
12. Decafalon (n): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.
13. Glibido: All talk and no action.
14. Dopeler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
15. Arachnoleptic Fit (n): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.
16. Beelzebug (n): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.
17. Caterpallor (n): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you're eating.
The Washington Post has also published the winning submissions to its yearly contest in which readers are asked to supply meanings for common words. And the winners are:
1. Coffee, n. The person upon whom one coughs.
2. Flabbergasted, adj. Appalled by discovering how much weight one has gained.
3. Abdicate, v. To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
4. Esplanade, v. To attempt an explanation while drunk.
5. Willy-nilly, adj. Impotent.
6. Negligent, adj. Absentmindedly answering the door when wearing only a nightgown.
7. Lymph, v. To walk with a list.
8. Gargoyle, n. Olive-flavored mouthwash.
9. Flatulence, n. Emergency vehicle that picks up someone who has been run over by a steamroller.
10. Balderdash, n. A rapidly receding hairline.
11. Testicle, n. A humorous question on an exam.
12. Rectitude, n. The formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.
13. Pokemon, n. A Rastafarian proctologist.
14. Oyster, n. A person who sprinkles his conversation with yiddishisms.
15. Frisbeetarianism, n. The belief that, after death, the soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.
Baby stuff check, invites check, sense of humor......hum?
I got together with Jules to plan Preggers baby shower. Okay. Here's the deal with this whole thing. I love planning parties. I love doing parties. I just don't operate the same way jules does. My thought was we would each take different tasks and work on them and put everything together. Jules wants to do it all TOGETHER. pick the games together. buy the stuff together. do the invitations together. cook together. EVERYTHING TOGETHER. This is not how I operate. but I'm making the best of it. She came over Saturday and we picked games. Went to target bought the things we needed for said games. Talked about food, and have now picked a time and date. I think we did a lot. Please note party isn't till MAY 3. almost 2 months minus a few days.
Jules doesn't really offer much in the form of opinions. she's the girl who always checks with everyone else before ordering. The one who gets what you get because it's easier then picking something herself. Yeah. fun. So trying to get input from her is like asking my 5 year old nephew to explain relativity. So you have to know how to work it. I let her "think" it's her idea. For the baby memory game, which i DIDN'T want to play but I let Jules have that, I would see something and say "huh whats this" and then let her look at and say something like "think we should use this" which i would answer "sure". Or i would see what she liked and just agree. I'm trying here people. I'm trying. she did have an awesome idea for the prizes. Her sister is going to supply us with stuff form The Body Shop and all we have to do is include her card in the bag. Sounds good to me.
It has been interesting to say the least. When I'm throwing a party I just see it in my head and make it happen. Jules wants detailed lists. I'm cracking jokes, laughing and having a good time and she's all BUSINESS. She wants everything done and ready to go and I'm going "calm down we have over a month". Needless to say I'll be getting the plates and decorations. I don't need any help in that area. I might pick some more stuff up for the games because they seem a tad lame right now.
MY APRON CAME!!!!!!! I will try and post good pictures of it later this week. It's super cute!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Man Down, Man Down!!!
It was just one of them. that's what makes it worse. I have one wearable flip flop from my favorite pair. I'm so sad. They were so comfy! Tear! The strap was actually scorched as well. Then i started to think, maybe they knew. Knew I was out shoe shopping while it was at home melting away on the heater. I'm sorry my friend. I'm sorry. But i didn't even buy flip flops i bought new black shoes for work. Steve Madden wedges(ish).
Side note~ It would make a great flip flop for an elf with it's ridicules curve in it now.
If you like shoes swing by Cupcakes and check out of quest to wear 100 different pairs of shoes for the next 100 days. Hey cupcake got any lonely flip flops that match my burnt one?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My names not Mary
Please refer to the above comment before preceding. Just checking.
Okay. Now I'm FAR from normal, or so I've been told over the years, but I'm a tad annoyed with my present situation. Here's the deal. I have been waiting for that pushy, cramp my style, bloat me with water and all things salt Aunt Flo to make her monthly trip to my home, but I think that bitch blew me off. Excuse me. It's polite to call and reschedule, or oh I don't know SHOW up on time. I can't stand tardiness. Now It would be one thing if there was even the slightest reason she might not be coming...but there isn't. Short of Immaculate conception this oven isn't cooking up anything. And trust me there is NO way god would choose me to be the next virgin Mary. I mean hello I don't necessarily fit the criteria unless he thought them up late one night drunk in a bar.
Criteria for baring the Christ child.
- Swears like a trucker.
- Uses my name in vane almost hourly
- kicks canes out from under the elderly
- doubts I'm really~ I'll show the dumb b*tch
- Drinks, and not at communion.
Yeah if those are the guidelines for being the next virgin Mary then ok. I can see why he would pick me. but last time i checked he was more into, devout belief, purity, virginity, and girls named Mary. And my name is not Mary. So back off pal.
So anywho, I wish Flo would just hurry up and get here and be gone. This will throw off every month from now on. She's such a selfish visitor. and when she comes she always expects fruit drinks and plush pillows to lounge around on. Well ya know Aunt Flo, get a fucking job. I don't think you've filed taxes in the last 2 million years. You just hop from women to women imposing yourself on them until your done. In the words of the now Meth addicted Stephanie Tanner "How Rude"
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Ya know what grinds my gears?
- I hate unhappy cashiers, fast food workers, bus drivers, obit clerks (that's me) who take their frustration for the job out on me. I didn't tell you to work at Burger King. If you don't like it find something else to do. But don't give me an attitude when I order a shake and some fries.
- I don't understand people who come into an empty place and must sit at the table right next to you. 50 open tables and you insist on sitting right on top of me. why? Or when this happens in the bathroom. 5 empty stalls and you pick the one RIGHT next to me. Must you pee literally 12 inches away from me. That's weird.
- I have a crazy ketchup addiction. Trust me it's over the top. I hate those red ketchup bottles because they fake you out. It's red, but it's empty and you don't know it until you pick it up and then BAMN no ketchup for your tasty fries.
- People who yield the right of way and then get mad at you because you don't go. Um you have the RIGHT OF WAY. Please go. this is what causes accidents. COME ON.
- People who get loud and rude and everyone caters to them so as to not cause a scene. Hello scene already caused, tell them to shove it up their butt. I would rather tell them thanks but no thanks i don't want your business.
- And finally a pet peeve of mine is people who go number 2 in the first stall right inside the bathroom. Please. I don't want to walk into your stink. Use the stalls farther from the door.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Huff and puff and go blow it out your ass
Alright now I got here so she must not be to mad I'm plotting her demise. Or maybe she is just unaware. Anywho. I got here and still couldn't access the fax machine from my computer and the lone monitor from the computer they have slowly been taking away was still sitting here. it was 12:30 p.m. I knew the IT guy had read the damn email by now. Whats going on.
Finally around 2 p.m. he comes huffing up. I'm not even exaggerating. He says something along the lines of "I have a bunch of stuff to do and the other lady is off and this is ridiculous. I'm sorry you aren't at the top of my list of priorities. But I don't need a mean email to tell me to do my job. "
It is important to note that he didn't say these things until he realized I was not at the desk. I was sitting at the celebrations desk, where he could clearly see me. Oh very passive aggressive of you computer nerd. P.S. Your a jerk!
So he gets on in like 1 minute it's fixed and then he unhooks the monitor stuff and moves the printer. Total time spent with us 5 minutes. WOW! Then i hear him go "I didn't realize it would be this easy."
Your a jerk!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
You say tomato I say NORMAL
I wanted to post on Normal is. It's a prompt from last weeks writing assignment. so here goes.
Normal is
.....thinking of ways to avoid your family during the holidays.
......thinking someone else's parents, family, job, life is way better.
......taking a cold shower in the summer
......watching the same movie 9 times in one month because it makes you laugh.
.....licking the beaters when you bake.
.....laughing till you cry
...crying till you laugh
....wishing on a star
......rolling your eyes
.....bending over backwards for people you care about
.....saying not so nice things about your siblings
......fighting anyone who talks bad about your siblings
.....running through the sprinklers with all your clothes on
....lemonade in the summer and hot chocolate in the winter
.....losing one glove every winter
......sledding when your way to old to sled.
.....calling in sick when you aren't.
.....wearing the same jeans all weekend, they just get more comfy
... dinner with friends
......letting loose on your birthday
....kicking your shoes off in the summer and going barefoot. ice cold beer on a summer night
....regretting somethings you do
....but doing them again anyways.
...water balloon fights
....not wanting to grow up
.....staying in bed all day because you can
.....wearing your pj's all weekend and never leaving the house
.....sitting around the fire with family telling stories and making new memories.
...being embarrassed of your family and their hickish ways
....but letting loose when you are together
..being a different person at work
....not liking all your co-workers
.....knowing more then your boss
...and caring way more about the people you see on a daily bases then they do spaghetti sauce on a white shirt
...running into your crush at the grocery store after you left the gym
...stepping in the puddle
...stepping in the dog poop in the backyard
...rolling down the hill with the kids
....skipping stones int he lake
...not knowing who the Jonas Brothers are
....coloring for fun, at any age
...only picking up pennies at are heads up
..Snow cone trucks cream after dinner cream for dinner
....laughing politely
...talking during the movie
....rain when you have plans to be outside
...muddy footprints on your carpet
....lettuce in your teeth
....your dysfunctional family
...never wearing a dress
Normal is not perfection. Normal is me. and you. and her. and him over there. Normal is who we are.
Mark this down
I still can't access the fax machine from my computer to make sure the faxes I've sent have gone through. it's been well over 2 weeks since my computer lost the ability to check the fax status and over 6 months since the other computer lost the same option. So i emailed our IT department. Hopefully they are done setting up all the NEW laptops they bought the advertising department (yeah furlough?) and can take care of this problem. they have slowly been dismantling a computer at our desk for 2 months and i also asked them to get it the fuck off my desk space, only slightly nicer. here's the email i sent them.
I haven't been able to access the fax server on my computers for over 2 weeks now. We need to be able to verify if faxes have gone through to funeral homes and law offices in order to ensure proofs and charges have been submitted. Please find time to fix this problem for us. The computer Wendy uses hasn't been able to check the status for well over 6 months. This appears when we try to check the status THE FAX SERVER COULD NOT FIND AN ACCOUNT MATCHING YOUR NETWORK LOGIN, "YNC/OBITDESK"
We also need Word put onto Wendy's computer in order for her to be able to do the envelopes for legal proof of publications, she was using the computer that we no longer have to do this. And if you could take the monitor that is still sitting here that would be swell.
obit desk
What do you think? Point across?
Oh yeah and the vending machine ripped me off. Sure it said i pushed E6 but i very clearly pushed F6. Why would i push E6 there isn't even anything in that slot. So i got nothing and they got 80 cents. hum? Even the vending machine is getting the hang of this furlough shit. Just like the company take from us and keep for themselves. interesting.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Go postal why don't you
Uhm......sorry mailperson. I didn't mean to not have my name on my mailbox. It was there but it wore off. OOPPS.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The ranger is after me!!!!!!
Here is the women and below are the prompts. If you don't know what to do....I don't know what to say. Go check out the women and get a clue.
The Prompts:
1.) Write a limerick.
2.) Normal is...
3.) Describe a memorable camping experience.
4.) What's the best thing that has happened this week?
5.) Did you have a childhood hideout? Where? Describe it.
6.) Words that hurt me.
My parents belong to Outdoor World, they've changed the name it's something like long piny trails now. I don't know. I totally made that up. the name, not that fact that they changed the name. so they have campgrounds all over the East coast. When we went to Disney we stayed at one. you could bring your own tents or campers or rent a camper. It's that kind of place. I love those places. WE always stayed at Lake and Shore in New Jersey when i was a kid. There is a campground near my home only about 15 minutes away. when we were young we would go there with my grandmother. Well when we (me and big brother) got older we were able to use the membership and put our camper on the site and stay. so we did. Why not? BECAUSE IT WAS A HUGE MISTAKE that's why. I don't know what the hell my parents were thinking and we they ok'd that plan.
So big brother, me and our friend Deacon set up camp down by the creek. Many nights of drunkin (yes underage drunkin fun) fun were spent down by the creek. We were loud, we were young, and we were drunk. Here is where it's important to say that while some kids are well behaved and angels (me) some are not (big brother). One night after a large dinner of steaks and whiskey, Deacon decided to vomit all over the camper door area. that was fun. he proceeded to pass out as did I. big brother being the veteran drinker among our group got bored sitting around by himself and took off on an ADVENTURE.
First stop the pool, where he had to hurdle the fence to get in. After going for a leisurely dip (please note this information is all based on what BB could REMEMBER and what the ranger would later tell the police) he decided to help do some redecorating and tossed a large portion of the lounge chairs into the pool. That must have worked up an appetite in our young friend because he proceeded to break into the snake bar. By break i mean broke out the windows and crawled through to find some yummy ice cream treats. while bleeding ALL over the place. Way to leave DNA evidence behind. nice job. At some point he got spooked. he could never really say what scared him, mainly because he couldn't remember and off he went, running his little ice cream and whiskey filled heart out. right into the fence. After scaling the fence AGAIN he ran back to the camper taking a long confusing route,as to throw off the ranger (or cause he was wasted, who knows). At some point he sprained his ankle REALLY bad. This is what i woke up to.
BB~ "He's after me! He's after me!"
Me~ (from a dead sleep) shut up! I'm sleeping. who's after you?
BB~ The ranger! AHH MY ARM!!
Me~ (sitting up) what are you talking....WHY ARE YOU BLEEDING?
BB~ i don't know.
Me~ where have you been?
BB~ the pool...i think.
Me~how did you cut yourself? (you could see down inside his arm)
BB~ i broke into the snack bar, ahh man i really messed that shit up. I'm going to need stitches.
DEACON~ ahhh what ahhh huh......(back asleep)
BB~ I need you to hold it together?
Me~ (CRYING HYSTERICALLY) what hold what?
BB~ my skin. I'm going to try and tape it up to stop the bleeding, ahh it hurts so bad.
Me~ NO! I'm not doing it. Oh my god we are going to be in so much trouble 9still crying)
BB~ Shut up! hold the skin together.
Me~ 9holding the skin together) I hate you! I hate you! why couldn't you just stay here. Oh my god, what are we going to do.
BB~ the ranger hasn't come yet, he might not have seen me. What am I saying he had to have seen me. I'm so stupid. I think i lost him.
Me~ (taped up his arm and he climbs into bed, I'm still crying) what are we going to do.
BB~ Maybe they wont know it was me.
i left the next morning to come home for tennis practice and Deacon snuck BB out in the trunk of his car. We told my parents he slipped in Deacons puke and sliced his arm on the pole outside the door 9yeah I said we were stupid). we stayed away from the campground for a day or two and hoped it would calm down. It didn't. they put 2 and 2 together and realized it was us. The sprained ankle, cut arm and loud noise gave him away. My parents had to pay some fines and replace everything he broke, and BB was banned from Outdoor World. Banned from a campground. BANNED! LOL. what a dumb ass. and that my friends is my fondest camping memory.
Some peoples kids....
My boss has had a trip to Egypt planned FOREVER! Maybe it seems like forever to me because she's always flashing it under our noses. she's just that nice. Well Her mother who she tossed into a nursing home maybe 6 months ago isn't doing so well. Her health has been going down hill for awhile. My boss stops by my desk the other day to inform me that she will be at one of the local funeral homes handling the pre-planning in case her mom dies while she's on her trip. she told me they handled everything and if she passes while she's away they will be able to take care of everything and she doesn't mind missing the funeral and services.
She left TODAY for Egypt. TODAY. Planned her funeral yesterday, the women is still a live, but apparently close enough to passing that they planned the funeral and she LEFT. I understand it's a non refundable trip. But it's YOUR MOTHER. and I'm positive this time with her is NON-REFUNDABLE! she is the WORST person EVER. EVER! and it was the way she shrugged it off like it was no big deal if she wasn't around for the funeral, like it was just another day. she's the WORST!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Insane much?
To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity
1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down. ~This might get you in trouble....with the fun police.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice! ~ I really want to do this next time a customer comes in for me.
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, ask If They Want Fries with that. ~or a shake
4. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks . Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso. ~I don't care about this one
5. In the Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write ' For Marijuana.' ~On my rent check that would be so funny
6. Skip down the hall Rather Than Walk and see how many looks you get. ~They already give me looks
7. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face. ~ I will be doing this the next time we go out to lunch
8. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is 'To Go'. ~ A large go please.
9. Sing Along At The Opera. ~ pass
10. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You have a headache. ~ While listening to really loud music
11. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream 'I Won! I Won!' ~ I do that when the change machine gives me $5 in quarters. that and beat up kids at the arcade.
12. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot, Yelling 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!' ~ that would be a RIOT
13. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.' ~ Then have them fight to the death
And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity
Monday, March 2, 2009
Luck of the decorations
Here are the filing cabinet we just moved up front. Sharon thought my concern for how they would affect our decorating was "silly" but as you see they provided us with even more area to decorate.
This is our "four leaf clover barb wire" between our desks. It's CRAZY scary!And here you will find the end cap where we worked around Wendy's paper clovers. ahh We are so awesome.
So that's what i did before the obituaries started piling in. Who meets with families with 8 inches of snow on the ground? Funeral directors hoping to drum up more business, that's who. The nerve of some people.
Also i forgot I wanted to mention how great was Brothers & sisters last night??!!! WOW! Even though I'm POSITIVE they said there would be a death?? Whats up with that (network it's on)!? WOW. I hate Holly, she's such a bitch. GO Tommy I'm rooting for you even if no one else is. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I sure hope Robert wises up, I would hat to see Kitty kick him to the curb, what with the new baby and all. Something tells me birth mom might be back in the picture, she was acting very unsure of herself afterwards. And i don't trust this Ryan kid AT ALL. He looks like trouble! Any of you guys watch Brothers & Sisters?
March? Really? You don't say.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
I'm BACK!!!!
Ahh Fragle Rock. Now that was quality TV for children. If you need a reminder or a stroll down memory lane swing by cake wrecks she spotlighted a fragle rock cake today. I love RED and CARLA.
I had dinner with Preggers last night. We hit up Applebees near the outlets and chowed down on buffalo wings, and everything deep fried. Yumm-a-roo.
Well I'm back to work now, oh joy. I do have to say that my Furlough/funlough was boring. I don't know if i could stay at home all the time, unless I had kids or was rich. Just me sitting at home is well. Boring. If i as rich at least I could be out shopping and spending money and filling my empty life with awesome shit. right? Or if I had kids I would be busy caring for them and doing all that jazz. But since it's just me, alone in a house. BORING. I need that interaction with other people. Even my crazy customers and annoying funeral directors. Ahh How I've missed them. I'm sure when i get out of here tonight I wont be missing them anymore. LOL. ahh life. Good times.
I would like to say welcome and thanks for stopping by. I hope if nothing else you find some amusement in my blog. It's here to act as therapy for me and entertainment for others. Mirrors my real life :) So Welcome! And to everyone swing by and send some LOVE Amy's way, as she and her daughters are awaiting the return of her husband from Iraq. His flight was canceled and now it's just another waiting game. Send some love! To her, her daughters and her husband for all they have sacrificed for others. :)
While out looking for fun things I stumbled upon this. It seems Summer is hosting a give-a-way for Dee's Deezigns. I found the shop first and the blog second. Both are very cool. I was looking at aprons, which gave way to baby stuff (as you are all aware of my baby stuff OBSESSION now. I am not baby obsessed I'm obsessed with buying baby stuff for my 3 pregnant friends. YES 3. So I started looking for cool diaper bags and this is what I found. How flipping cute is that. Who needs overpriced Vera Bradley when you can find awesome handmade things like this. I love this tote/diaper bag and want it. Then I read that their giving away make bags on a few blogs. Well You know me I'm a lover of give-a-ways so why not try my luck. You guys should also. But if your in the market for some really great bags that are AFFORDABLE I highly suggest taking a look at Dee's DeeZigns